Note: Simultaneously updating OS and applying Grid Infrastructure patches in rolling fashion is not recommended. Nodes should not be rebooted while GI cluster is in rolling patching mode.
Note: Running yum update
without first stopping Oracle and FlashGrid services may result in the services restarting non-gracefully during the update.
Note: For OS upgrade from RH/OL 7.5, please check Issues and Mandatory Steps before performing upgrade.
Note: In-place upgrade from RH7 to RH8, or OL7 to OL8 is not supported. To move between major release versions, a new cluster must be deployed, and data migrated.
To update OS on a running cluster repeat the following steps on each node, one node at a time
Create backup snapshot of the OS disk
a. Flush OS buffers:
# sync
b. Create snapshot of the OS disk using the cloud console or CLI.
Make sure there are no other nodes that are in offline or re-syncing state. All disk groups must have zero offline disks and Resync = No:
# flashgrid-cluster
If the node is a database node,
a. Stop all local database instances running on the node.
b. Stop Oracle CRS on the node:
# crsctl stop crs
Stop FlashGrid Storage Fabric services on the node:
# flashgrid-node stop
Install OS updates:
# yum update
Reboot the node:
# sync; sync # flashgrid-node reboot
Note: when using FlashGrid Storage Fabric version below 19.6.432 then usereboot
instead. To determine your version, runrpm -q flashgrid-sf
. -
Wait until the node boots up, all disks are back online, and resyncing operations are complete on all disk groups. All disk groups must have zero offline disks and Resync = No before it is safe to update the next node.
# flashgrid-cluster
- If the node is a database node start all previously stopped (Step 3 [a]) local instances.
- Proceed with the next node.