Upgrading the operating system from Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.5 / Oracle Linux 7.5 to a newer version may affect the startup of Grid Infrastructure/CRS components after reboot
Affected products
- FlashGrid cluster
- On-prem clusters with FlashGrid Cloud Area Network (CLAN) used
Affected versions
OS versions: RHEL 7.5 / Oracle Linux 7.5 or older
- this procedure must be applied before upgrading OS and/or installing NetworkManager rpm package on any cluster node
- must be applied on all cluster nodes (database and quorum)
- create the following file (if it does not exist) -
and add these lines:
[keyfile] unmanaged-devices=interface-name:fg-*,interface-name:ifb-*,interface-name:eth1 [main] dns=none
- in case of on-prem CLAN deployment, modify list of unmanaged devices to include all CLAN NICs
- prevent the file from being modified adding an immutable attribute:
chattr +i /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf
Additional references
The OS update procedure must follow the recommended steps described in the knowledge base article: Updating OS.