1. Change the timezone used in OS:
Note: In the case of the FlashGrid cluster, this procedure must be performed on all cluster nodes (database and quorum)
List available timezones:
# timedatectl list-timezones
Set the desired timezone (e.g. America/New_York):
# timedatectl set-timezone America/New_York
Check if the timezone was set:
# timedatectl status
2. Change the timezone used in Grid Infrastructure:
Note: In the case of the FlashGrid cluster, this procedure must be performed only on database nodes.
As the user grid change the variable TZ to match your desired timezone in the following file:
and restart Grid Infrastructure when possible.
The TZ variable must be exactly what the OS supports.
How To Change Timezone for Grid Infrastructure (Doc ID 1209444.1)
Timestamps & time zones - Frequently Asked Questions (Doc ID 340512.1)