During the deployment process, Oracle installation files will be downloaded from an Azure Storage Blob Container. The list of files that must be placed in the storage container is shown on the Oracle Files tab of the FlashGrid Launcher tool.
Two options are available for allowing access to the files in the storage container:
- Using a public endpoint that is accessible through the Internet
- Using a private endpoint, which assigns a private IP address from your VNet to the storage account
Create a storage account
In the Advanced tab, make sure that Allow enabling public access on individual containers is checked
In the Networking tab, select either Enable public access from all networks or Enable public access from selected virtual networks and IP addresses
Create a new storage container
In the Public access level field, specify Blob (anonymous read access for blobs only)
Upload the required files to the storage container
You can disable public access after the FlashGrid initialization completes
Storage containers without anonymous public read access are supported. Please refer to this article for more information.
Create a storage account
In the Advanced tab, make sure that Allow enabling public access on individual containers is checked
In the Networking tab, select Disable public access and use private access
Click the Add private endpoint button in the Private endpoint section
Specify the Private endpoint parameters. Make sure that you select the VNet in which you are going to deploy the FlashGrid.
Create a new storage container
In the Public access level field, specify Blob (anonymous read access for blobs only)
Upload the required files to the storage container
You can disable public access after the FlashGrid initialization completes
Storage containers without anonymous public read access are supported. Please refer to this article for more information.
Note: Make sure to use <StorageAccount>.blob.core.windows.net link in Launcher. Do not use 'privatelink' URLs, such as <StorageAccount>.privatelink.blob.core.windows.net - they would not work.