FlashGrid support lifecycle aligns with support lifecycles of the OS and Oracle software versions used in a particular deployment.
FlashGrid will accept support requests from all customers with active subscriptions regardless of the software support lifecycle. However, support will be provided on a reasonable efforts basis if the OS or the database release has vendor support term expired and if this affects FlashGrid's ability to resolve the issue.
Compatibility of FlashGrid software updates with database software:
- until the end of "Extended Support" (or "Market Driven Support" if available) by Oracle for the Database Release used in the deployment.
- Updating FlashGrid software may require applying the latest database Release Update.
Compatibility of FlashGrid software updates with OS:
- until the end of RHEL "Extended lifecycle support" (ELS) / Oracle Linux "Extended Support" for the OS major release (i.e. release 7 or 8) used in the deployment.
- Updating FlashGrid software may require applying the latest OS update.
- RHEL Life Cycle: https://access.redhat.com/support/policy/updates/errata
- Oracle Linux Lifetime support policy: https://www.oracle.com/a/ocom/docs/elsp-lifetime-069338.pdf
- Oracle Database release and support schedule: https://support.oracle.com/epmos/faces/DocumentDisplay?id=742060.1